I chose to fight

I chose to fight   Story by a powerful young man, taking the ownership and leadership of his life, and actively making a difference   Life is full of ups and downs. This is how I see it now actually the constant pattern of life. Even when you conquer one…

Powerfully Creating Beauty

Reflecting back how my today was, I can still sense a wonderful feeling of a beautiful autumn sunny day, with noticing the nature playing creatively a season changing game. Of course, ‘the Friday part with a Week-end ahead’ added a final touch to it. I have to be honest with you,…

Let It …

How often do you find yourself in a situation, when you hear a friendly advice, yours or from people around you, that you should let it go, or to move away and let things happen as they are supposed to happen? It is funny how we think that we know…

It’s YOUR Choice

It’s YOUR Choice (Written by Nadira Ramcharan, 2017, NRNY Consulting, https://www.nadiraramcharan.com/) “Whether we are at work, at home or in our business, we all have a choice to succeed, grow and change. While we do all of this, we may think about how we can remain authentic. It isn’t as difficult…