Shadow to Light

Poem by Neza #bepowerfulandfree spirit NA DRUGI STRANI Luna se skriva za zemljo, pred svetlobo sonca, varneje je biti v senci. Tu se ne vidi njene veličine in tudi ne bolečine. Velika in okrogla, sramežljiva in previdna, na nebu visi, vsem se dostopna zdi. Nihče ne ve, da osamljena je,…

Keep Going by Lana 

Keep Going (by Lana #bepowerfulandfree spirit)   Things might fall apart and shadow your sight, but there is hope in you. It never dies. When you call for help, my embrace will give you the strength. When there is dark in your life, trust you are the light.  Just keep…

Heart for Hearts

At one of my #bepowerfulandfree workshops I’ve used a quote I read somewhere ‘We people are alike, the difference is the heart.” (unknown author). After the workshop one participant asked me ‘So, what’s then the real difference among us?’ Great question. There seems to be many differences among us, like…

Together in Light

Today is my sister’s birthday, and I want to celebrate her amazing soul with celebrating the power of sisterhood. Our parents raised us in a way that having each other is one of the most important and powerful bonds we (will) have in life. The bond that will be always…

Travel Light

We go through life, more or less aware and conscious of it, of ourselves, and of the path. Sometimes we can be in a delay of letting go what’s our past, what’s redundant, what’s no longer serving, what’s preventing us from moving forward, what’s slowing us down and disempowering us.…

Light and Love Within

Still contemplating on the experience of spending last few days in the company of beings of ‘light and love’ – dolphins and whales, and some wonderful turtles and birds. Still in the deep and overwhelming feeling of appreciation and connectedness. These amazing beings are so graceful and tender, yet so…