Good times boost confidence and bad times build Character!

Good times boost confidence and bad times build Character! power story by Mohit Kanade ( Life is a continuous learning experience. In recent years I have noticed one incredible fact of life. Things don’t always go according to plan. We can make the best plan, use every hope and prayer…

Winter always turns into Spring

Winter always turns into Spring by Veronica This is a story of my empowerment that happened through my Buddhist practice which helped me to develop my greater self. By nature I’m not a brave person. And I’ve always, always had a strange trembling before every bigger public appearance. Every time I…

Keep Going by Lana 

Keep Going (by Lana #bepowerfulandfree spirit)   Things might fall apart and shadow your sight, but there is hope in you. It never dies. When you call for help, my embrace will give you the strength. When there is dark in your life, trust you are the light.  Just keep…

Where Love Goes

This one is on strength. On learning life and love, individually and with others. On trusting and believing that there is love somewhere behind and within, also where and when it’s sometimes hard to see and feel it. It’s a tribute to like minded and like hearted people who choose…

Powerful Feminine Inspires

It was inspiring and eye-opening lately to think and discuss on several occassions about current state of the society, the role of leadership, and what the feminine leadership is and what it could bring into the society and its development. These discussions brought out many conditioned learned behaviour in our…


I am currently passing through a so called ‘in between space’, if you recall the expression from one of my past posts, doing a shift in my life to another stage. This one seems to be more complex, deeper, and in a way bigger than some others. However, I am…


The heat of this past summer week called for some kind of refreshment. To some this means to just sit or lay down, do nothing and more or less wait for the heat or certain period to pass by. But for some it calls for action, to find their way…

Let It …

How often do you find yourself in a situation, when you hear a friendly advice, yours or from people around you, that you should let it go, or to move away and let things happen as they are supposed to happen? It is funny how we think that we know…

The Power of Communication

We are communicating all the time, either verbally or non-verbally. We each have our own way of communicating things, and how and when we express ourselves. It is the ‘how we communicate’, that influences the most how we are perceived by others, how efficient we are in our communication, and…