Be-Do-Have Success after Success

Be-Do-Have Success after Success

Written by Tanja Bogataj, Leadership and Transformational Coach and Consultant | Founder and Practitioner of #bepowerfulandfree Approach

I’m borrowing a life success formula by Zig Ziglar as one part of the success equation. He said “you have to be before you can do, and do before you can have”. And I’m adding success, and success after success to this formula.

Success is a win. In curtain situation it could be just to keep it going, to learn a lesson and grow through our life experiences, or achieving certain goal or heart’s desire. It’s also our attitude in between.

Let’s break down this formula / self-leadership guidance into 3 parts:

BE-DO-HAVE Success after Success

1. Life success formula by Zig Ziglar

“First you need to BE before you can DO, and you need to DO before you can HAVE.” 

2. Success

Be Success = …. (who do you need to be?)

Do Success =….. (what needs to be done?)

Have Success =…. (what’s your result/impact?)

3. Success after success

If you look at your life as a success after success path, which wins made you who you are today?