I have had the pleasure to do with 4 powerful and inspiring Female Wave of Change (www.femalewaveofchange.com) ambassadors: Saskia Harkema (global ambassador), Saadet Ozdemir (ambassador for Turkey), Susie Staton (ambassador for Australia) and Marta Berglez (ambassador for Balkan region).
Be empowered and inspired by their shared thoughts and suggestions, and share with us your thoughts and suggestions.
Only empowered people can empower society. Now, in these challenges time we face worldwide, on global, national, and local level, it’s even more important to raise awareness and find ways to act together and empower ourselves, each other and our communities.
Let the thought of my friend and teacher Saadet, ‘Only united as one we can win through anything’ (Saadet Ozdemir), guide and support us through these challenging times.