Workshop coaching in aromatherapy 9. maj 2019, Slovenia – Ljubljana

This spring we’re organizing a set of #bepowerfulandfree Coaching and Aromatherapy Workshops in Ljubljana. Workshops are designed for individuals, professionals, groups, couples, adults (adjusted program for children also available by agreement)

#bepowerfulandfree is an authorized program created to support individuals and organizations to use their potentials and gifts in a powerful, transformative, and impactful way. Aim of workshops is to raise awareness of our body-mind-spirit connection with using coaching and aromatherapy for general well-being, to manage inner states and energy level, to centre and ground ourselves, to empower and to improve self-leadership and creativity.

Location and Dates: May 9, May 23, June 7, June 20 / 5.00pm – 8pm / Škrabčeva 12, Ljubljana

Fee: Fee: 50 EUR per workshop/person

Approach: adjusted to participants (content, tools, focus)

For applications and more info contact Tanja ( or Eva (