(Poem by Neza, being and creating within IAmSuccess process)
Breath in.
Cell’s getting the oxygen. Comes to live.
Sight clears. Body grounds.
Breath out.
A deep pain in their eyes.
Truth got lost in words.
Breath in.
Through my eyes the world seems bright.
I’m focusing on the positive.
Breath out.
Injustice happens to others.
Even the rainbow vanishes in their grey.
Breath in.
Rising my sight, spreading my wings.
I want to show that I can fly.
Breath out.
Is she really gonna do it?
Leaving the fear behind just like that?
Breath in.
Feeling the freedom. I seem like a butterfly.
Don’t want to hide from the world no more.
Breath out.
Should we punish her? Controlling her more?
Or looking up to her?
Breath in.
Allow yourself to see. Feel!
You have the power too, to take a leap, to fly.
A breath merge us into a whole,
providing the freedom for all.
Cage melted. Love brought us together again.
(pesem je spesnila Neza,
v svojem procesu transformacije in ustvarjanja IAmSuccess)
Celica dobi kisik. Oživi.
Pogled se zbistri, moje telo se prizemlji.
V njihovih očeh globoka bolečina.
Resnica se je v besedah izgubila.
Skozi moje oči svet se svetel zdi.
Fokus dajem na pozitivne stvari.
Drugim krivica se godi.
Še mavrica v njihovi sivini zbledi.
Dvigam pogled, razpiram krila.
Pokazati zelim, da lahko letim.
Mar ona bo to res storila?
Bo strah kar za seboj pustila?
Čutim svobodo. Kot metulj se zdim.
Zapirati pred svetom se več ne želim.
Bi jo morali kaznovati? Bolj nadzorovati?
Ali mogoče se po njej zgledovati?
Dovolite si videti! Začutite!
Tudi vi imate moč, da poletite.
Dih povezal nas je v celoto,
vsem nam je omogočil svobodo.
Kletka se je razstopila,
ljubezen nas je spet združila.”