To co-create we first need to put it out there

To co-create we first need to put it out there

by Susanne Staton (Ms Susanne, Brand Ambassador | Social Entrepreneur)

Scenario: Imagine sitting down and writing a letter to everyone on the planet that will not be opened and read for 25 years. It’s an expression of what you hope has happened in that time.

This was the opportunity given to me by the book Truth, Growth, Repeat by Mike Edmonds – an awesome book with a practical application for anyone in business, start-up mode or even just wanting to work out your purpose and what to do next.  There is a reason it’s title includes the statement [a business manual for generation why] and I highly recommend it.

I figure there’s no need to pussy foot around, it’s self-explanatory as to what this is all about so here goes…

Dear World…
In 2019 there were fears about the jobs of the future, distrust of capitalism and because of Industry 4.0 in addition to Society 5.0 massive uncertainty for humanity’s ability to adapt, embrace and expand with the universe instead of spiralling into a black hole of unconsciousness. I had faith, belief, a knowingness that conscious capitalism, our endeavour for meaning and oneness would prevail and it has. The basic needs for all beings have been met, the UN Sustainable Development goals were delivered and then some… The spark of innovation, creativity and compassion continues to drive changes in our society, through community engagement, economic empowerment and personal growth… What started as a concept for a consortium approach to upgrade humanity from the top down was successful because we never wavered from delivering on our commitments, we were unfuckwithable, self-assured, future focused and through continual learning we achieved our targets within just 3 short years. What started as a concept, developed into a business and eventually became a movement that drove humanity forward at a pace equal to technology. R. Buckminster Fuller was right, the relay race was touch-and-go and I’m eternally grateful for the wonderful humans who led the charge, reminded those around them of just how brilliant they were too and how collectively we helped make it to Utopia.

Much Gratitude, Ms Susanne

This is what I wrote mid last year and already I can see what I’d change, adapt and massage in terms of the learning and growth I’ve since had the privilege of receiving.

There are two parts to my journey of personal development, an inordinate amount of reading and exposure to different ideas through books (audio mainly), podcasts, newsletters and what really gets me going too though is the face to face, the networking and sharing of those concepts. Which leads me to the second part – the experiential – growth for me comes from not just theory but more importantly the application and testing / measuring of my approach to these concepts. Developing my understanding and those of others around the application of that theory and how I can then integrate what I’ve learnt to further my vision for the future.

I’ve been working on my Workforce of The Future (WoTF) concept with the help of MANY wonderful individuals, mentors, friends and leaders.  Once you find what you’re passionate about – which for me was a process of recognising and listening to what kept me up at night, what kept driving me to write, explore and talk to others – became what now drives me forward to learn more, be more and do more.

2019 was a HUGE growth journey for me and at the beginning of 2020 I’m laser focussed on spending my time on what matters:
·        Learning and Development
·        Being paid what I’m worth
·        Networking and Nurturing my relationships

You should see my calendar (HAHA) every day is blocked with time which represents these primary objectives, from my 0500 #360Me (which is about meditation and self-care), through to almost a full day of learning and development on Conscious Business; WoTF; Social Impact Measurement; Female Wave of Change to name a few… I schedule my time and forecast around 2 weeks out, with the addition of some longer term goals and events I’m working on. With this colour coded plan of my life I’m able to quickly see what I can adjust, adapt and massage to ensure that lifestyle is the central theme and guiding light that ensures I am successful.  Because success to me is made up of three things:
1.      Experiences
2.      Growth AND
3.      Contribution

What’s your guiding light? Are you on the journey to finding your purpose?  Where ever you’re at I implore you, NO I challenge you to step up, find your rhythm, put the excuses behind you and CHOOSE to live your life to the fullest… Whatever success looks like for YOU!


Susanne Staton
Brand Ambassador | Social Entrepreneur

P: +61 417 995 224

One thought on “To co-create we first need to put it out there

  1. So inspiring away with excuses,step up..I’m challenged,
    Thank You very much.

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