BePowerfulAndFree Platform

#bepowerfulandfree® Platform

Dear Visionaries, Leaders, Creators, Seekers and Lifelong Learners,
Welcome to the #bepowerfulandfree® Platform – an empowerment platform for visionaries, leaders, and other change-, impact-, and success-makers.
The future requires us to be courageous enough to take responsibility. The responsibility to be true to ourselves and to the world, and the responsibility to let the world see and feel our hearts and hear our voices. Let’s do it by empowering and inspiring each other.
The platform offers three ways of empowerment and inspiration:
– Blog – on Visionary Leadership, Empowered to Impact, and Personal Mastery.
– Power and Leadership Stories – shared by amazing people from different walks of life and parts of the world.
– Open invite and space for you to tap into your powerful and free uniqueness and share your Power/Leadership story with the world.
In a world where you can be anything, I invite you to be powerful and free, give the world the best of you, and make a difference that you are here to be and do.
Wish you lots of love on your journey,

Mind-Stretching Sessions

Mind-stretching TBC #bepowerfulandfree® sessions are created by Leadership Coach Tanja Bogataj M.Sc., and invited guests, for leaders to free their inner power to expand their life, business and impact, by practicing empowerment, self-leadership, and leadership on a selected topic in an effective, creative and impactful way.

Contact us if you are inspired to be a guest on one of our next Mind-Stretching sessions.

Power & Leadership Stories

I’ve created #bepowerfulandfree® Platform because I believe this is a powerful and inspiring way to learn from each other, and to inspire and empower each other to do changes. Choose to make a difference by sharing your power or leader story with #bepowerfulandfree® community. Fill the form below, and we’ll get back to you with guidelines how to prepare your #bepowerfulandfree story.
